Stuntman to Chaplain
I was in the 6th grade when I crashed my bike and the dream to become a stuntman came alive. At 19 years old I moved to Houston and...

S.W.A.T. Chaplain
I have witnessed SWAT team members move towards the danger to save the life of a hostage. In our county we have cities, country and...

Domestic Violence on Thanksgiving Day
My deputies understand, when their patrol falls on a holiday, they must work. It's part of the job description and crime doesn't take...

Chaplain Mobile
I own a 2002 Ford Excursion. This vehicle acts as my office and transport to scenes of fire, crimes and disasters. It's paid for and it...

Flaming Tire of Death
I'm NOT a firefighter... but today I fought a fire. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon. I was working on my computer at home when Lisa, my...

All In A Day...
Recently I worked 2 emergency call outs in one day. 1 with the Fire Department and the other with the Sheriff's Office... #SWAT...

Part 2 "In Good Company" Radio interview of Chaplain Rick... Hostage Rescue
Enjoy the second part of a 3 part radio interview.

Part 1 "In Good Company" interviews Chaplain Rick
I was interview by Premier Christian Radio in the UK a few months ago. In part 1, the hosts discuss the attacks on police officers and...

Wisdom, Strength and Speed
Early in the morning I rise and examine if I slept well or not. I can usually tell by how serious my headache is. No headache translates...